

  1. merkkijono tietojenkäsittelyssä tai pikkuruiset uima-asun tai alusvaatteen alaosat

    Ohjelmoinnissa string on merkkien sarja.
  1. String-alushousut



  1. vetonaru, kiristysnyöri, kurenauha, kukkaronnyöri, naru, sarja, jono, ketju, rivi, säie, kuitu.

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Ohjelmoinnissa string tarkoittaa merkkijonoa.
String-muuttujan käsittelyssä on lukuisia funktioita.
Monet kielet tukevat string-tyyppisiä tietorakenteita.
String on tärkeä termi tietojenkäsittelyssä.
Koodissa voi käyttää string-kiinnityksiä.







vetonaru puhekieltä A long, thin and flexible structure made from threads twisted together.

Round Ormond's knee thou tiest the mystic string.
puhekieltä Such a structure considered as a substance.
puhekieltä Any similar long, thin and flexible object.

a violin string

a bowstring bowstring

A thread or cord on which a number of objects or parts are strung or arranged in close and orderly succession; hence, a line or series of things arranged on a thread, or as if so arranged.

a string of shells or beads; a string of sausages

a string of islands
puhekieltä A cohesive substance taking the form of a string.

The string of spittle dangling from his chin was most unattractive

puhekieltä A series of items or events.
2012, Christoper Zara, Tortured Artists: From Picasso and Monroe to Warhol and Winehouse, the Twisted Secrets of the Worlds Most Creative Minds'', part 1, chapter 1, (gbooks):
In 1933, disgusted and discouraged after a string of commercial failures, Clara quit the film business forever. She was twenty-six.

a string of successes

puhekieltä In various games and competitions, a certain number of turns at play, of rounds, etc.
puhekieltä An ordered sequence of text characters stored consecutively in memory and capable of being processed as a single entity.
puhekieltä A stringed instrument.
puhekieltä The stringed instruments as a section of an orchestra, especially those played by a bow, or the persons playing those instruments.
puhekieltä The conditions and limitations in a contract collecively.

no strings attached|no strings attached

puhekieltä The main object of study in string theory, a branch of theoretical physics.
puhekieltä cannabis Cannabis or marijuana.
Part of the game of billiards, where the order of the play is determined by testing who can get a ball closest to the bottom rail by shooting it onto the end rail.
The points made in a game of billiards.
puhekieltä The line from behind and over which the cue ball must be played after being out of play, as by being pocketed or knocked off the table; also called the string line.
A strip, as of leather, by which the covers of a book are held together.


puhekieltä A fibre, as of a plant; a little fibrous root.
Francis Bacon
Duckweed putteth forth a little string into the water, from the bottom.
puhekieltä A nerve or tendon of an animal body.
Bible, Mark vii. 35
The string of his tongue was loosed.
puhekieltä An inside range of ceiling planks, corresponding to the sheer strake on the outside and bolted to it.
puhekieltä The tough fibrous substance that unites the valves of the pericarp of leguminous plants.

the strings of beans

puhekieltä A small, filamentous ramification of a metallic vein.
puhekieltä A stringcourse.
puhekieltä A hoax; a fake story.
puhekieltä To put (items) on a string.

You can string these beads on to this cord to make a colorful necklace.

puhekieltä To put strings on (something).

It is difficult to string a tennis racket properly.

puhekieltä To form into a string or strings, as a substance which is stretched, or people who are moving along, etc.
puhekieltä G-string, thong
puhekieltä character string
G-string, thong, tanga
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
G-string, thong


string rimmaa näiden kanssa:

clearing, catering, factoring

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